Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Herbalife, eHealth, CardioNet Jump; QTWW Performs Reverse Stock Split

June 30, 2013
        Facebook(FB) briefly topped its IPO price of $38 during market hours today, before falling back to $37. The stock is up 50% this month after releasing a surprisingly good quarterly earnings report. In addition, the company plans on expanding its mobile ads division while releasing a new line of TV styled ads on its website. These ads are expected to sell at $2.5 million each, which is about the price of a Superbowl TV ad.
        Apple(AAPL) CEO Tim Cook is currently in talks with China Mobile on plans to release its flagship iPhone to their customers. China Mobile is currently the largest mobile carrier in terms of customers, and also one of the only carriers in China that doesn't already offer Apple devices. If a deal is made between these two companies, it could significantly boost revenue for both of them.
        Herbalife(HLF) jumped 10% today on reports that billionaire investor George Soros may hold a significant stake in the company. The stock has been extremely volatile these past few days after topping earnings and raising forecasts. However, it dropped sharply when Perishing Square CEO Bill Ackman questioned the reports released by the company. Earlier, Ackman recommended short selling the company and sent shares down nearly 50%. It is currently up nearly 80% since December of 2012.
        Quantum Fuel Systems Technologies Worldwide(QTWW) performed a reverse stock split of 4-1, sending shares up 325%. The company develops systems for storing and transporting natural gas, and has faced increased competition in an unstable field. With the United States scouring the Bakken for new oil and gas resources, such systems are of less need. QTWW has seen many periods of revenue decline, and has seen debt grow to over $13 million.
        CardioNet(BEAT) is up nearly 40% today after releasing an earnings report that greatly surpassed the Wall Street consensus. On a volume of 7.8 million, it is one of the largest gainers on the Nasdaq today. CardioNet engages in the development of cardiac monitoring systems and has seen continued revenue growth in the last few quarters. With over $18 million in cash, the company is well positioned to continue its rate of growth.
        eHealth(EHTH) is up nearly 30% today on news that it has reached a deal with the government under the Affordable Care Act. This deal will allow the company to enroll citizens of 36 states that are eligible for for certain insurance plans. The news sent the stock up to prices that were last seen before the market crash of 2008.

Disclaimer: Trading stocks has extremely high risks, and should not be taken to lightly without a thorough understanding. This is written from a purely commentary point of view and is not meant to suggest buying, selling, or holding a stock. All traders must do their own research prior to investing. We (StockQuests) are unaffiliated with all of the companies that are mentioned on this blog, and can't be held responsible for any losses that may occur. Invest at your own risk.

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