Sunday, March 31, 2013

When to Start?

        You may be wondering when the best age to start investing is. Well, it doesn't matter! Starting in your preteen years, or later on makes little difference. It is just a matter of experience, research, and common sense. Spring Break and Summer Vacation are often the perfect time for students to start investing because of all the free time on their hands. This means fewer distractions, and more time to research and start earning your fortune!

        The first thing you will need is a brokerage firm, or the middle-man for investing. There are a variety of firms that adhere to each trader's preferences, some of which are listed below:
  • Vanguard
  • Fidelity
  • Options Express
  • E*Trade
  • TD Ameritrade
  • Tradeking
  • Scottrade
  • Charles Schwab
  • Sharebuilder
A comparison of these firms can be found on

        Also, you will need to find a site that suits your preferences when it comes to researching stocks. These site will help you obtain crucial information and statistics on the state of a company. Some sites that are commonly used are Yahoo! Finance, Google Finance, Bloomberg, Financial Visualizations, etc. With help from these sites, you will soon become accustomed to working with stocks!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us or leave a comment below. We will reply promptly. Also, please add us on Google+ and don't forget to subscribe.

Disclaimer: Trading stocks has extremely high risks, and should not be taken to lightly without a thorough understanding. This is written from a purely commentary point of view and is not meant to suggest buying, selling, or holding a stock. All traders must do their own research prior to investing. We (StockQuests) are unaffiliated with all of the companies that are mentioned on this blog, and can't be held responsible for any losses that may occur. Invest at your own risk.

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